Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chant of Night (6) "JUMENENGAN" Tradition

Part two

A moment later the attention of the subjects who attended the switch on the elephant just sat on top Palasara dhampar. Funny elephant with respectful worship. Seeing the Elephant behavior that tries to act like subjects to their king, Your Majesty Dipakiswara reminded the King Hasti, crowned parents who find the dream that promised to help him become king. Is there a relationship between the King Hasti and this Elephants? Mysterious elephant named Antisura.

Lifting of the King candidat by Elephants Antisura become a tradition in Hastinapura called Jumenengan. The heir to the throne is valid if he is seated on the the landed heritage by elephant Antisura. Because only those who are appointed and seated by a strong Antisura elephant sitting on a landed inheritance. The replacement Palasara sequentially, ie Sentanu, Pandudewanata Abiyasa and also in the holder by Antisura elephant.

At the time of Pandu left the palace and left the palace to Destarastra, Destarastra would not lifted by Antisura to the landed heritage. Because forced by Vice Regent Sengkuni, Elephant Hastinapur Antisura fled. "Brother King Destarastra, we remove it jumenengan tradition involving Elephant Antisura. Because in fact Antisura not want to raise you landed heritage. "Said the Vice Regent Sengkuni to Destarastra. But it's odd, when Destarastra tried myself sitting on a landed inheritance, he was thrown. Tried repeatedly, Destarastra thrown. So at the suggestion of Vice Regent Sengkuni dhampar heirloom black shining removed, and replaced with new artificial dhampar more luxurious and beautiful.

Several years have passed, people have started to forget the sacred elephant figure is always present at the ceremony and carnival-jumenengan great carnival king. "But why Antisura elephant suddenly appeared in Panggombakan and raised Puntadewa and Arjuna"

"I do not know exactly where the elephant Antisura had gone up Destarastra coronation, leaving Hastinapura. My guess is he looking to bring back Pandudewanata and seated in the Dampar Heritage. But never met, because King Pandu had died. So when he met with Pandudewanata children, he raised Puntadewa and Harjuna, regarded as the legitimate heir to the throne. "Thus ended the story of Semar about the fiure of Antisura Elephant.


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