Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chant of Night (1)

This story is from another site in Indonesia language, and I just try to translate for you.

Chant of Night (1)

The old moon night wore on. Through the light of stars, the dark sky, soil fertility of Hastinapura still appeared. For the common people work during the day, the night was like a thick blanket that provides comfort for sleeping in the bed, so that tomorrow can be working again with a clear mind and body fresh. However, not so for those who have duties and obligations in the evenings, especially for the duty officer, both in the ...

countryside or in the center of town-king. For them, the night is mysterious shadows to watch out, because he can suddenly show very scary realization. To keep the night passed safely, they occasionally chant a mantra kidungan; Ana kidung rumeksa ing wengi, teguh ayu luputa ing lara, luputa bilahi kabeh, jim setan datan purun, paneluhan tan ana wani, miwah panggawe ala, gunane wong luput, geni atemahan tirta, maling adoh tan wani perak mring mami, tuju duduk pan sirna

Meanwhile, in the light of oil lamps placed in front of the palace gates cepuri, there appeared a middle-aged, black face and legs limp, walk flanked by two king’s people. They stepped through the door cepuri, into a room.

"My brother Destarastra"
"Oh, brother Yamawidura, you've come. Hearing your voice, my heart is anxious to be submissive. "
"Thanks, King my brother, I felt so mean in front of you."
"Really, you really mean my brother, not only for me, but also for the State of Hastinapura."
"Do not make me a sudra become more smaller and stunted, because the praise of my brother King, a great king Hastinapura."
"It's true, you are born from the mother of the Rara Katri sudra, but sudra blood does not appear in you.
Sharp observations and wise, your vision is wide, you like a Brahmana. For that reason, tonight I call you to speak the truth in the midst of my anxiety. "
"What kind of anxiety that make you upset my King?"
"My kids wanted the throne of Hastinapura."
"O brother, that anxiety was not only belong you my King, but belongs to all people of Hastinapura. I'm afraid my feeling to be true "
"You had a feeling what, Yamawidura?"
"The civil war brother"
Destarastra gasped, his sightless eyes gazing far into the future, full of conflict for the throne of Hastinapura fight.
What's said his brother illustrated clearly in mind. And the signs towards civil war was beginning to look. Since the death of Pandudewanata, hundred of his son, or the Kurawa urged Destarastra, so Duryudana, as the eldest brother of Kurawa, was appointed to prepare the starch prince became king of Hastinapura.
"Yamawidura, can civil war be avoided?"
"Sure can, depending on you my King"
"What should I do?"
"My king has the answer, in the deepest of your heart."

The night crept slowly. After
Yamawidura leave, Gendari approached Destarastra.

"Your Majesty, it is late night, please sleep, many tasks waiting on the next day."
"My queen, for me night and morning made no difference, the difference is felt. I want to enjoy this night as much.
All my life I've never experienced a feeling like tonight. "
"Your Majesty, if so, of course tonight the night is very special and privileged, because it has never been before. For that allow me to enjoy the privilege this evening with you my king, the only man most special in all the earth Hastinapura. "
"You were always there with me Gendari.
No exception to this evening. Night of the most disturbing me. "
"If allowed, may I know about anxiety"
"Fairy things demand our children"
"Excuse me Your Majesty, do you still remember your words, when our son was in my womb."
"Yes, I remember, I'll give something best for our children."
"Your Majesty, something that deserves the best provided for our children. Excuse me Your Majesty, do not demand our children is the best thing? Became king, ruling in a big country Hastinapura. "

"However, lifting Duryudana be king are wrong. Is not the throne is a deposit of Hastinapura Pandudewanata King. If now my brother Pandu died, of course, right to the throne of Hastinapura is in the hands of the children of Pandu, the Pandawa.
What would happen if we impose the will? Of course the Pandawa will demand their rights so that there will be a civil war as Yamawidura said. "

"The state is Hastinapura deposit, it is true kakanda. But instead of simply Pandu, but from its predecessors, including the people Hastinapura. Dear Majesty, in fact we all have the right to organize, maintain, preserve and develop the country for the prosperity of the people Hastinapura. If our children are able to do the job and bring the glory of this country in the eyes of the world, why do not we give a chance.? "

"But nevertheless, the words of Yamawidura about the civil war is very disturbing."

"We are weak Majesty.
Do not push this anxiety support alone! I'm always there by your side. Your Majesty, we spend with these anxieties, resigned to the God, it will lighten. "

The words spoken by Gendari softly flowing like scarf of an angel brushed his chest in the crowded because of anxiety.
For a moment Destarastra forget of his anxiety. He kissed her forehead Gendari a yellow glow with affection of love. And Gendari was greeted with a hug affectionately. Both slowly fell in beautiful bed. Rest of the night belonged to them both. Meanwhile, faint sound distant spell of chant: Ana kidung rumeksa ing wengi rumeksa .... And the night passed safely

(herjaka HS)

translated from 

The Indonesian Shadow Puppets Story
The Javanese Shadow Puppets Story

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