Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chant of Night (3) Abusing Power

Several weeks passed, Kunthi and five children live in the palace Hastinapura. Although since childhood living in the mountains, they are not embarrassed to live in the palace of luxury. Because at Saptarengga, Begawan Abiyasa galvanize and equip them with a
variety of science, politeness, and constitutional law. So not surprisingly, in a young age, the Pandawa have shown maturity.

Vice Regent Sengkuni and a hundred children of Destarastra, not happy to see the excess boys Pandawa. Yet their age peers with Kurawa. Sense of envy and hate traveling from the bottom of the heart. They forget that the Pandawa were younger nephew, who should take pride because of the excess. But unfortunately, their hearts are closed by luxury. Their minds are shackled by the power and even their eyes will glare throne.

Destarastra’s expectation to brought Pandawa to palace, so that between the Pandawa and Kurawa living in harmony side by side, but it was not accomplished.
Abiyasa grandson's fellow proverbial water and oil, never get along. Duryudana and his brothers are always looking for and make trouble. By sheltering under the authority of King Destarastra, the Kurawa showing subjects the power to incite Hastinapura. so that in the eyes of the people, the Pandawa had no decency to be king.

"Hi the subjects! Do not you realize, that Abiyasa has turned the throne of  Hastinapura? Is not that right to be king is the eldest son of the man from the ruling king? Who was the eldest Abiyasa’s son, when he became king with the title of King Kresnadwipayana? "

"Destarastraaa!" Shouted the subjects in kasatriyan Banjarjungut.
"And who is the eldest son King Destarastra, our king now?"
"Is that certainly or not! Who is more entitled to the throne of Hastinapura?
"Good! Your voice is the voice of honesty. And Duryudana is an option of honesty. If the country was ruled by honest, there is no fraud, then the Hastinapura be safe and prosperous. "Dushasana confirmed.

Regardless wether it’s true or not that really the right to occupy the throne is Duryudana, the subjects had entrusted the authority and greatness of the Pandawa Hastinapura. So if later King Destarastra give to Duryudana the throne, his eldest son, subjects will be hurt.
Hastinapura will sorrow.

Hot air at night in the capitol of Hastinapura in Anggorokasih day, invites Gendari and Destarastra out of the palace to feel the wind in the Park Candrakirana night, perhaps it can take off the heat.

"Your Majesty, what are you thinking about? Your face look disappointed. Did not you enjoy the beautiful atmosphere night in this Candarkirana Park? "
"My dear Gendari, don’t you feel my pain?"
"My husband, our suffering is one, what suffering you, I also suffer. Tell me about the suffering that Your Majesty! "
"Gendari. As long as I have never ordered me to disappoint people. The policy decision that I was always under the voice and needs of the people. But as you feel by yourself, what do I get as the rewards of my work, only the empty throne without a revelation and authority. Voice of the people who hail the arrival of the Pandawa, they wanted proof that the new king who can bring prosperity. That means that the people disappointed with my government without I know its cause. I began to suspect that I have been betrayed. Reports I received from the people trust, not in accordance with the existing reality. They used my blind. I have been insulted, betrayed, Bastard!! Feel Spell of Lebur Sekethi! "Brummmll! Beteng park in front of Destarastra was destroyed, touched by Destarastra hand that has flowed Spell of Lebur Sekethi. Cower Gendari to see Destarastra anger.
"Forgive me Your Majesty, do not destroy this country! Are you would leave the ruins of decadence to our descendants? "
"Gendari, do not hinder me! If you do not want this country destroyed by Spell of Lebur Sekethi, call Vice Regent Sengkuni. Hurry up!! "

For a moment the blood stops flowing Gendari heard the name mentioned Vice Regent Sengkuni. Is Destarastra know that Sengkuni Regent has defected? It’s serious! Unimaginable what would happen if at the time of anger mounted, in front Sengkuni Destarastra.

"Please Your Majesty, relieve a wave of anger and think clearly. In the clarity of Your Majesty's heart will be able to see clearly the problem and find a way out. "
"Gendari, everything is clear, that I was betrayed. and bring it to the front of me. "
"Your Majesty, Vice Regent Sengkuni is my real brother, I know what he does for this. He was not a traitor he has worked hard day and night for Your Majesty. "
"Gendari precisely because he was your brother, you have to cover his mistake."
"Please Your Majesty, give a chance to prove that the suspicions are not true, my husband."
"Do not delay the time, do it!"
"Well my husband. This command is the command of a king. King Hastinapura great and noble. As the subjects I will do it with full dedication and sincerity. Blessing beg Your Majesty, so that I can quickly find people who have undermined the authority of the king and those who defected. "

Destarastra some relief, the ability Gendari. The wind blew cold night. Destarastra cool off. So he let his hands gently held by Gendari to then guided into the Kedhaton.

Before entering the Kedaton door, they suddenly stopped heard the roar of the wolf in the park Candrakirana. Reminded roar of a crying baby and the oldest of Destrarasta son named Duryudana. The voice of the wise Yamawidura sounded again, 'should you my brother Destarastra brought away the crying baby like a wolf howling at the river, because the baby will be characterized by such a big disaster. "

(herjaka HS)

The Indonesian Shadow Puppets Story
The Javanese Shadow Puppets Story

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